Author = Najafi, Gholamreza
Protective effects of Bioactive peptides on testis tissue, sperm characteristics and suppression of oxidative stress in Cimetidine treated male rats

Volume 34, Issue 4, December 2021, Pages 215-224

Ziba Ahmadi; Ebrahim H. Najdegerami; vahid Nejati; Gholamreza Najafi; Mehdi Nikoo

Effect of Sardine- drived (Sardinella sp.)Bioactive peptides on seminiferous tubules Following Heat Stress Induction in Mature Male Rat

Volume 34, Issue 2, June 2021, Pages 126-140

mahsa valizadeh; vahid nejati; Ali ShalizarJalali; Ebrahim Hoseein Najdegerami; Gholamreza Najafi

Protective effects of Bioactive peptides on morphology of the seminiferous tubules and sperm survival in Ofloxacin treated male rats

Volume 33, Issue 4, December 2020, Pages 272-283

Zahra Zare; Ebrahim H. Najdegerami; Vahid Nejati; Golamreza Najafi; Mehdi Niko